Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorials
Various Locations
DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. & CORETTA SCOTT KING MEMORIAL - CITY OF ALLENTOWN, PACommissioned by the Martin Luther & Coretta Scott King Memorial Project of the Lehigh Valley Inc. This is the first joint sculpture memorial honoring both Dr. King and his wife Coretta. It is installed at a park in Downtown Allentown.
DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. - HOUSTON, TXA monumental sculpture of Dr. King, commissioned by the Hermann Park Conservatory Commission. The over-life-sized work is installed in the International Sculpture Center on the 455-acre Hermann Public Park adjacent to the Texas Medical Center.
DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. - MOREHOUSE COLLEGE, ATLANTA, GA A 20’ tall monument (including base) of DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr., installed at the entrance to Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. Also installed a 27” bust of Dr. King, in the School Chapel. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.- CHAPMAN COLLEGE, ORANGE COUNTY, CAAn over life-size bust of DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr., installed at the entrance to the College Administration Building. The bust is installed in a sculpture garden setting. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. - SIOUX CITY, IACommissioned by the Sioux City, NAACP, the 3’x 4’ bas-relief bronze image of DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, Jr., is installed in the NAACP headquarters.
Annapolis, MD
Annapolis, MD
Annapolis, MD
Houston, TX
Atlanta, GA